Welcome to Jeff and Mellissa's photography website. Launched on September 22, 2007, J&M Photography has the premier crafts fair photography booth in five western states . J&M is the leader in it's field of taking and selling photos. As yet, however, we have no booth, no licence, no tables, no mats, no frames, and frankly, no photos for sale. Mere details.

Meet the President and CEO of J&M, hugging his Executive VP in charge of Finance, Treasury, and Accounting. (It is rumored that these two are sleeping together.)
Although we have absolutely no experience in actually
selling anything at a crafts fair, we have
been to many street and crafts fairs. We have bought things like, beer and corn dogs at fairs, so we have some knowledge of the buying process.

At J&M Photography, we may lack any experience whatsoever in setting up a booth at a street fair, however we pride ourselves in that we use only the most modern photographic equipment.

We are also proud of our staff. Here's the head of our Nature Photography Department in a weekly staff meeting with the VP of our Children's Portraits Division.
At J&M, we like to say: "Hey! What time's lunch around here?" and "Honey, where's the camera? I wanna see if I can get a shot of my toenail!" Our corporate motto is: "Hey, you're not the boss of me!"

Big news on our second day of business. We have inventory! Check out how professional this is!
Today, our third day of business, we added another camera to our photographic arsenal: the hot new Canon 40D. Check out this baby below!
So remember J&M Photography for all your street and crafts fair needs!
You must be kidding.
Go get'em you two! I know that you will be very successful at this.
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer
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